If you have an interest in Leadership, workplace performance and productivity, mindfulness, Mindful resilience, or Purpose and Intention, I am happy to share with you resources I have developed over the years.
I add resources regularly, so please bookmark this page so you can return to it again at a later date. A wealth of additional resources are available on two 'members only' pages.
All the resources are designed to help you to transforming the way you think, behave and perform.
Making the business case for mindfulness is a comprehensive guide and reference document created to help you to use research to explain to organisations, leaders, and busy workers the many reasons why mindfulness is so beneficial. Mindfulness training benefits individuals, teams, and organisations alike.
The document contains over 200 research studies, each summarised into a few paragraphs. The research papers are cross referenced to desirable workplace outcomes.
This document is designed for use by:
Busy working professionals with an interest in introducing mindfulness to their organisation
Mindfulness teachers who have been asked to deliver mindfulness training by an organisation
My intention when writing this document was to make research findings easy to use and accessible for all

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Not enough hours in the day? Too many demands on your time? Complex work that you cannot afford to get wrong? Too little time outside work to focus on what’s important?
Working harder or longer hours is not a long term solution!
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Video: 5 ways to reduce your stress
Video: Manage your mindset
10 minute video guide to help you to recognise and reduce your stress levels.
10 minute video guide to help you to understand and start to manage your mindset.
Video: 10 minute introduction to mindfulness
Video: 3 minute CIPD introduction to mindfulness at work
10 minute video guide Introducing you to mindfulness. Includes a short guided practice.
3 minute video produced for the Chartered institute for Personnel and Development introducing mindfulness at work.
Video: Gut instinct: How it works and why you should trust it
When making important decisions at work, or about your life, purpose and intentions, its important to tap into your gut instinct. Your gut can communicate you you at incredible speed an initial evaluation of any given situation, question or dilemma. Good decisions should be based on both conscious and subconscious thought.
Less than 5% of brain activity occurs at a conscious level. Scientists often describe the gut as the "Little Brain" as it contains a huge number of neuronal connections that are in constant communication with the brain. Your gut cannot communicate with you in words. Instead, it communicates with you via feelings and sensations.
If something 'feels wrong' it is often the guts way of communicating to you that it has tapped into the brains Salience network or Default mode network and detected a misalignment. It might also indicate that it has tapped into areas of your mid and lower brain and detected potential problems or danger.
Conversely, if your gut tells you that things are OK, it could be because your brains Salience network or Default mode network have detected alignment with your world view. It might have also tapped into long forgotten stored information, detecting a favourable link, pattern or theme.
We are born with an innate ability to tap into our gut instinct, but can lose the ability to recognise this as we grow older. It is a skill that can be re-learnt with a little effort and patience.
Many people know me for my work as founder of Mindfulnet.org - the mindfulness information website, which I hosted for 10 years. Back in 2010 there was little information available about mindfulness in the workplace , but now there is more than you could read in a lifetime! I took Mindfulnet.org offline in 2022 as I could no longer keep it up to date and I felt that it had served its purpose.
If you are a mindfulness teacher interested in mentoring, please do contact me and I will help you if I can.
If you would like to view a selection of the resources previously housed on Mindfulnet, and a range of other resources, subscribe to my quarterly mailing list and you will be given free access to over 100 resources.
More free resources!
You can find lots more information, resources on our 'members only' pages. Subscription to these pages is free. By subscribing you will gain access to a wealth of mindfulness, leadership and intention resources housed on two password protected pages:
A member-resources page with self diagnostic tests, tools and techniques.
Infographics - free to download
Mindfulnet.org - A huge volume of information authored over a 10 years period that used to be housed on Mindfulnet.org, the mindfulness information website.
Of particular interest to those interested in mindfulness at work, on the Member-resources pages you will find 2 very valuable tools to help you make the business case for mindfulness in your workplace:
Making the Business case for mindfulness. Step by step guidance on how to make the business case
Benefits of mindfulness training at work linked to research. This 47 page resource was first developed for WorkplaceMT mindfulness trainers to help them to make the business case for mindfulness within their organisations based on hard evidence. This document was the result of 5 years of work by Juliet Adams, and was last updated in August 2019. Pick a topic such as stress, or burnout, or productivity and the document will list the research related to this workplace outcome as a result of mindfulness training. The document also provides a brief summary of each of the 140+ research papers on workplace mindfulness
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